Anyway, I am so excited about the response I got for my first official give away since creating my little ol' blog. I thought I would get maybe 20 comments total and that was with everyone posting more than one comment! But no! I had a wonderful 82 comments! Every single one of you that left a comment are so AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for the kind words and such they have really touched me! It has been fun doing vinyl and I'm excited to see so many of you that have showed an interest in my blog. I did read every single comment and have gone through and counted up all of the entries. Some of you only commented once but did all three things so I'm still going to count you because it's pretty awesome that you did all three things so I think it's only fair that you get all three chances. So the grand total number of entries was 85!
So without further ado, I'll turn things over to and let them determine the winner in their oh so scientific fashion!
And the Winner is....

Yay Kristi! Congratulations! I'm excited to work with you and see what you come up with! I'm excited!
Now, like I said yesterday, I decided to throw in a couple extra goodies for you all since you have all been so nice to me so I decided that I would do two more drawings! So the 2nd drawing is for $10 in free vinyl from yours truly and that winner is...

And then finally another drawing. One of my biggest sellers since I started has been Welcome signs so I decided to go ahead and give a Welcome sign away as well. It can be in the font and color of your choice. We'll work to find what fits best with your own personal style and the facade of your home. That winner is...

Congrats Erin! Can't wait to see your new Welcome sign!
If you ladies could please email me at we'll get things all worked out for your order and get things going for you! I can't wait to work with all three of you!
Now, don't fret, those of you that didn't win are all still winner IMO (kind of cheesy I know!) but hey, can't let you all leave empty handed so I'm giving you a little something too! If you did not win one of the three above prizes and you want some vinyl email me and I'll give you a discount. My normal vinyl price is $0.08 per square inch but I'll give all of you a chance to fill an order and the price will be only $0.05 per square inch. So if you are interested in taking advantage of that offer shoot me an email with your order and I'll get going on that for you as well!
Thank You all for participating and I'll definitely have to do another give away again in the near future. My business's one year anniversary is coming up in the middle of November so you might want to check back in then to see if I have something else up my sleeves then. (hint, hint!);)
Congratulations again to the winners!